Day 19 - Friday, March 23, 2007

The last day of the Reading Communities project in Swansea.

It's been a busy few weeks, but today is the last day. We're at the Quadrant Shopping Centre again today, and I'm looking forward to it as the response we got yesterday was fantastic.

It was a great idea to tie in with Swansea Libraries, as people got a chance to ask questions about local library resources and even sign up for a library card. Lots of people are concerned about the library moving to the watefront, so it was also a chance to reassure people that the move was going to mean lots of new resources and a wonderful view of the sea.

On the Quick Reads stand, we explained to people all about the Quick Reads series and described the individual books. It's great to have a range of books to talk about, and the importance of having a range of different genres showed during the shopping centre exhibition as some people preferred romance, whilst others liked autobiographies or thrillers. It was great to show the range of Welsh language books on offer as well.

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